Icons-Land. Vista/Seven Style Royalty-Free Stock Icons and Custom Icon Design Service.

Flat SVG Emoticons

Flat SVG Emoticons

Flat SVG Emoticons    Flat SVG Emoticons

Version: 1.0
Series: SVG Icons
Style: Flat
Count: 80
Format:             .SVG
Colors: TrueColor + Alpha
Sizes: Any Size (Vector)
Price: 40 USD

Vector SVG Emoticons in new Flat style will boost popularity of communication tool you are developing or customizing. They are suitable for Instant Messengers, EMail readers, Forums, Blogs, etc. Attention to details made these icons look great in all seven sizes from as low as 16x16 up to 256x256. These icons are suitable for any Operating System (Windows, Android, Mac OS, iOS, Linux), types of software (PC, mobile, web), and any development environment you use.


Please download Flat SVG Emoticons Catalog for entire list of icons.

Icons List

Adore, Aggressive, Angry, Badly, Beaten, Beer, Be Up To No Good, Big Smile, Bomb, Boring, Call, Cocktail, Coffee, Cold, Cool, Cry, Crying, Despair, Disappointment, Disgust, Dizzy, Easy Money, Exclamation, Expressionless, Facepalm, Frown, Frustrated, Furious, Giggle, Happy, Hi, Hug, Hungry, Hypnotic, Hysterical, Idea, Impish, Kiss, Kissed, Laugh, LOL, Monocle, Movie, Music, Nerd, Ninja, Party, Pirate, Pudently, Question, Rage, Rose, Sad, Satisfied, Scared, Shock, Sick, Singing, Sleep, Smile, Smoking, Snotty, Sorry, Stars, Stop, Stressed, Struggle, Study, Surprise, Sweat, Sweet Angel, Thinking, Thumbs Down, Thumbs Up, Waiting, Whistling, Wink, Woo, Worn Out, Yawn

Icons Preview

Preview of one icon

Flat SVG Emoticons - one icon in Adobe Illustrator

Icons preview of Flat SVG Emoticons

Emoticons SVG Icons


Please download Flat SVG Emoticons Free Demo. It includes several icons in all sizes under Icons-Land Demo License Agreement.

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