Icons-Land. Vista/Seven Style Royalty-Free Stock Icons and Custom Icon Design Service.

Multimedia Vector Icons

Multimedia Vector Icons

Multimedia Vector Icons    Multimedia Vector Icons

Version: 2.0
Series: Vector Icons
Style: Vista/Seven
Count: 249
Format:             .AI (Adobe Illustrator)
Colors: TrueColor + Alpha
Sizes: Any Size (Vector)
Price: 180 USD   360 USD

This Icon Set contains icons that are widely used in Multimedia Applications, Video and Sound production software, video players, etc. These icons are provided in .AI (Adobe Illustrator) format.


Please download Multimedia Vector Icons Catalog for entire list of icons.

Icons List

3DLCDDisplay Glasses, 3DModels, 3DModel Teapot, Animation Frames Horizontal, Animation Frames Vertical, Animation Frame Horizontal, Animation Frame Vertical, Audio, Audio Decrease, Audio Effects, Audio Increase, Audio Level, Audio MusicNotes, Audio Mute, Award GoldenGlobeAward, Award GoldenPalm, Award Oscar, Award RedCarpet, Award Star, Brightness BlackWhite, Brightness Yellow, Brush Artists, Brush Cleaning1, Brush Cleaning2, Brush Decorators, CD Burn, CD Library, CD Music, Chat, Cinema Chair, Cinema Chairs, Cinema Popcorn, Cinema Ticket, Clapperboard Chalkboard, Clapperboard LED, ColorMatchingFan1, ColorMatchingFan2, Colors CMY, Colors ColorWheel, Colors HSV Cone, Colors RGB, Colors YUV, Contrast, Desktop Background1, Desktop Background2, DiscoBall, Display TestPattern, Drawer Files, DrawingBoard, Dropper, Easel, Easel Paper, ElectronicViewfinder, Eraser, File 3DModel, File Archive, File Audio, File Chart Bars, File Icon, File Movie, File MovieCamera Retro, File MusicNotes, File Palette, File PhotoCamera, File PlayList, File PlayList Pencil, File Sound, File Text, File VectorImage, File VideoFilm, FilingCabinet Files, FilmDirector Chair, FilmDirector Megaphone, FilmGenre Action, FilmGenre Adventure, FilmGenre Cartoon, FilmGenre Comedy, FilmGenre CookingShow, FilmGenre Dance, FilmGenre Detective, FilmGenre Drama, FilmGenre Educational, FilmGenre Erotica, FilmGenre Fashion, FilmGenre Favorite, FilmGenre Horror, FilmGenre Kids, FilmGenre Leisure, FilmGenre Music, FilmGenre NewsProgram, FilmGenre Romance, FilmGenre Science, FilmGenre ScienceFiction, FilmGenre Sports, FilmGenre War CombatHelmet, FilmGenre War Tank, FilmGenre WeatherForecast, FilmGenre Western, FilmReel Cut, FilmReel Effects, FilmReel FilmStrip, FilmReel Convert, Film 35mm, Film Formats, Film Frame, Film Years, Flash Sign, Folder Audio, Folder Download, Folder Favorites, Folder Games, Folder Heart, Folder Options, Folder Photo, Folder Search, Folder Texts, Folder Video, Glue, HobbyKnife, Ink QuillPen, IrisDiaphragm, ISO, Lasso, MacroPhotography, Magnifier, Marker Blue, Marker Green, Marker Red, Marker Yellow, MobilePhone Ringtone, MobilePhone SMS, MobilePhone Videocall, MovieTheater Sign1, MovieTheater Sign2, Movie Frames Cut Vertical, Movie Frames Horizontal, Movie Frames Vertical, Movie Frame Horizontal, Movie Frame Vertical, Movie Sound Frames Horizontal, Movie Sound Frame Horizontal, MusicNotation GClef, MusicNotation Note1, MusicNotation Note10, MusicNotation Note2, MusicNotation Note3, MusicNotation Note4, MusicNotation Note5, MusicNotation Note6, MusicNotation Note7, MusicNotation Note8, MusicNotation Note9, MusicNotation Notes, Nib, OnAir, PaintRoller, Paint Flowing Blue, Paint Standing Blue, Palette, Palette Brush, Panorama1, Panorama2, PaperKnife, Pen, Pencil, Photoalbum, PhotographicLens, PhotographicLenses, Picture, Pictures, Picture Edit Contrast, Picture Edit Cut, Picture Edit Rotate, Picture Landscape, Picture Macro, Picture Night, Picture Portrait, PlayerMode Compact1, PlayerMode Compact2, PlayerMode Compact To Minimal1, PlayerMode Compact To Minimal2, PlayerMode Minimal1, PlayerMode Minimal2, PlayerMode Normal1, PlayerMode Normal2, PlayerMode Normal To Compact1, PlayerMode Normal To Compact2, PlayerMode Normal To FullScreen1, PlayerMode Normal To FullScreen2, PlayerMode Normal To Minimal1, PlayerMode Normal To Minimal2, PlayerMode Play1, PlayerMode Play2, RubberStamp, Ruler, Ruler Compasses, Ruler Pencil Brush, Scissors, ScreenMode Compact, ScreenMode FullScreen, ScreenMode Minimal, ScreenMode Play, ScreenMode WideScreen, Series, Sound Bars, Sound Wave, Sound Waves2, Sound Waves3, Sound Waves3 Selected, Sound Wave High, Sound Wave Low, Sound Wave Selected, Sprayer Red, Stage Concert, Stage Theater, TapeMeasure, TestPattern ColorBars, TestPattern NTSC, TestPattern PAL, Theater Masks, Theater Mask Comedy, Theater Mask Drama, Tools, Tools Brushes, Tool 3DModel, Tool Arc, Tool Blur, Tool Crop, Tool Ellipse, Tool Hand, Tool Layer, Tool Line, Tool Marquee Elliptical, Tool Marquee Rectangular, Tool Mask, Tool Move, Tool Pen, Tool Rectangle, Tool Rotate, Tool Select, Tool Select Black, Tool Sharpen, Tool Text1, Tool Text2, VolumeControl1, VolumeControl2, VolumeControl3, VolumeControl4, ZIP

Icons Preview

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Multimedia Vector Icons - one icon in Adobe Illustrator

Icons preview of Multimedia Vector Icons

Vector Multimedia Icons


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